Main : Goats

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Goats are our staple red meat. We started raising goats in 2005, with two pure-bred does: an Alpine (Nermal) and a Boer (Lilly). Lilly was mated with an unrelated pure-bred Alpine buck the first season, producing our first farm-born goat, a male named Hector. The next season, Nermal was mated with an unrelated pure-bred Alpine buck, producing two males named Bacchus and Pan, and Lilly was mated with Hector, producing a male and female named Tootsie and Epona. This collection of goats was the genesis of our herd.

In 2014 we refreshed our bloodline by bringing in an unrelated Alpine buck, Gruff; he was born in January of 2014 and was the sole sire for all of the goats born in 2015, 2016 and 2017.

Rincbeen, Lilly's only son from her third season, at one day old.
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Bacchus, one of Nermal's first kids, at one year old.
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Curry, one of Nermal's sons from her second season.
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Patches, one of Nermal's sons from her second season.
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Curry (left) and Patches, Nermal's two sons from her second season.
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Curry, one of Nermal's sons from her second season.
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Bacchus, one of Nermal's first kids, chowing down at 16.5 months old.
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Epona II, Lilly's daughter by Rincbeen in her fourth season, at hours old.
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Boo, Lilly's son by Rincbeen in her fourth season, at hours old.
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Icarus, Nermal's son by Rincbeen in her third season, at hours old.
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Boo (left) and Epona II, Lilly's son and daughter (respectively) by Rincbeen in her fourth season, at 8 days old.
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Left to Right: Boo (Lilly's son by Rincbeen, at 23 days old), Icarus (Nermal's son by Rincbeen, at 16 days old), and Epona II (Lilly's daughter by Rincbeen, at 23 days old) clamber up the side of an A-frame shelter.
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Last updated 11 December 2019.
(c) 2005-2023
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Hosted by the The Homestead Collective.