Take ribs from one goat. Cook on a grill over medium heat until done, making sure ribs get good and browned. At the same time, grill 2 whole tomatoes and 2 whole onions on the upper rack of the grill. Put ribs in an 8 gallon stockpot with grilled tomatoes and onions. Add half a bunch of celery, 5 bay leaves, 1/2 tsp white pepper, 1 tsp thyme, 8 cloves of garlic (whole) and 1 tsp salt. Fill stockpot to about full with water. Bring to a strong boil over high heat, reduce heat to medium-low and simmer, uncovered, until volume is reduced by a bit less than half, about 4 hours. Cool and refrigerate overnight. Skim all congealed fat from the surface, then refill to about full with water. Bring to a strong boil over high heat, reduce heat to medium-low and simmer, uncovered, until volume is reduced by a bit less than half, about 4 hours. Cool and refrigerate overnight again. Again, skim all congealed fat from the surface, then refill to about 2/3 full with a quart of beer, plus water as needed. Bring to a strong boil over high heat, reduce heat to medium-low and simmer, uncovered, until volume is reduced by a bit less than half, about 4 hours. Strain stock and return to a boil, then simmer until volume is reduced to about 1 1/2 gallons. Pack stock into sterilized jars and process in a pressure canner using your canner manufacturer's recommendations for canning stock. This recipe was added: 16 August 2014 |