Main : Canning Recipes : Homestead Cajun Pickled Squash

Homestead Collective Recipe Archive

Homestead Cajun Pickled Squash

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6 c sliced squash
2 c julienned onion
6 jalapeno peppers, sliced
1 c sliced okra
6 c cold water
3 1/4 tsp salt
3 2/3 c vinegar
2 c sugar
1 1/2 tsp turmeric
1 1/2 tsp blackening seasoning
1/2 tsp cumin seed
1 tsp ground cumin
1 1/2 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp chili powder

Combine squash, onion, peppers and okra. Make brine of salt and water. Pour brine over vegetables and let stand 2 h and drain.

Bring vinegar, sugar, and remaining ingredients to a boil, pour over vegetables and let stand 1 h.

Bring mixture to boil and boil about 5 min. Pack into sterilized jars and seal. Makes 2 quarts.

This recipe was added: 6 November 2003

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