Main : Air Fryer Recipes : Bacon-Wrapped Southwest Chicken Tenders (Air Fryer)

Homestead Collective Recipe Archive

Bacon-Wrapped Southwest Chicken Tenders (Air Fryer)

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1 pound (6-8) chicken tenders (strips cut from chicken breasts)
3-4 slices bacon
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp smoked paprika
1/4 tsp salt
1/8 tsp black pepper

Mix cumin, paprika, salt and pepper.

Cut bacon slices in half. Wrap each chicken tender with a half slice of bacon in a spiral pattern. Sprinkle top of wraps with half of seasoning mixture. Preheat air fryer to 375 degrees F (3 minutes).

Line air fryer basket with baking parchment. Add wraps to basket, sprinkled side up. Cook at 375 degrees F for 8-10 minutes or until done (no pink remaining in center of thickest tender), flipping after 4-5 minutes and sprinkling with remaining seasoning.

Cut into chunks after cooking, these make a great salad topping.

This recipe was added: 13 August 2022

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Last updated 2 September 2024.
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